Thursday, February 10, 2011

Arienne Loves...TiLT #2

Seeing this picture reminded me of my childhood obsession of drawing pictures of hot air balloons. I don't know why I was so intrigued by them. Maybe the pretty colours next to the blue sky? In my more adult years I feel they are still a stunning sight, like when there are lots of kites in the sky at the same time. And then getting a little more psychological they represent freedom and high hopes.

Okay, enough waxing philosophical (is that even a phrase or did I totally screw that up?!), I've not yet been up in a hot air balloon. It is on my 101 Things to Do List, so I'm certain that it will happen in the near future. And in a circular manner, the reason I'm talking about hot air balloons is because they're something I'm loving today.

Okay, well, this post is really about Thing I Love Thursday list (instead of harping on about one thing) so focus... (focus Arienne!).

Things that have brought a smile to my face recently/things I love/things I'm grateful for...

<3 Hot air balloons (surprise!) <3 The Man's handsome face (I'll share a pic soon, after almost 18 months I still think he's the biggest spunk eva! Girly giggle) <3 Rouge Diorific 014 Dolce Vita Red <3 My new maiden head fern <3 My new chilli plant (I'll water them this time I promise) <3 Giving an impromptu speech at my first Toastmasters meeting <3 The feeling of clean hair <3 Attending webinars from my desk - how cool <3 Dreaming of how good I will feel with the Raw Food Challenge <3 The camera app on my iPhone <3 Setting boundaries - you teach people how to treat you <3 Stationary I bought at Typo <3 Listening to what I need and doing it <3 Massages (yes plural) <3 Looking forward to Dale Beaumont's seminar this Saturday <3 Writing this blog <3 Wonderful comments from friends about this Blog <3 Walks by water and deep breaths <3 Reading the delightful Hannie at Tea & Biscuits <3 My beautiful, wonderfully colourful business card <3

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