Sunday, February 27, 2011

Arienne Loves...TiLT #4

Well Ladies and Gentlemen,
What a week in this world. Earthquakes in Christchurch, Libyan uprisings and all those things big and small that have happened and changed people's lives.

It's definitely a time to be thankful and grateful for the things in your life and to put things in perspective.

Here are the good and the great; the serious and the light-hearted that made me laugh or smile or get inspired.

<3 Darling Harbour in Sydney - I know it can be super touristy but I love the ambience <3 Fresh water when I turn on the tap <3 My sister getting a social work job in London (go Nunny!) <3 Organic food <3 My little elderly cat Charlie who is still a super-bully <3 Fresh chillies - add a bit of spice to your life <3 Catching up with philosophically aligned friend Ms L while sipping on take-away teas <3 Going to a great young entreprenuer's breakfast with BossLady - was really great to listen to some interesting peeps <3 Having a juicer and a blender - and the awesome things come out of them <3 Being almost half way through the Raw Food Challenge <3 Planning some of the meals I'll be having when it's over <3 Meeting with such inspired and motivated women who are real action takers <3 Looking forward to my Dad arriving from Switzerland in the first week of April - I miss him <3 Finding some great blogs out there filled with great content and inspiration <3 Thinking about my 101 bucket list <3 Giving my speech at Toastmasters <3 Seeing myself getting fitter and stronger <3 The Man making me feel so loved and together having a wonderful stroll through Darling Harbour where we experienced our first kiss. Awwww <3 Having a wonderful home around me <3 My car. A black Holden Astra I have dubbed Schwatzy - it flits me around and makes my life so much easier and convenient <3 I got my hair done. It was totally dry and crunchy (ewww) and needed a trim. Thank you lady hairdresser! <3 Electricity <3 The ability to read and write <3 I love that I feel safe in my everyday <3 Choice and freedom to do pretty much what I want in my life <3 The massage that almost killed me and my pain threshold and the ensuing relief my body felt from the aches and tension I was holding <3 Speaking to my sister on Skype <3 Remembering that I have a wonderful family even though they are all so far away <3

Make it as you wish SSSs!
Arienne xo

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