Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fit for 30! Fit for Life!

Okay I have a secret to share, I am not the youthful person I have conned you into thinking I am. I am turning (shhhh) 30 this year. Yes, the big 3-0. Dirty 30. Yes.

I have to say I don't have a problem with it. I don't freak out with the thought that I should be further along, or I should have this and that with a cherry on the top. I think my 30s are going to be super exciting and I'm looking forward to the adventures to come.

But back to now. I turn 30 in May and I aim to be feeling like all of the fit and healthy ladies above.
Well, my major goal for the year is to master my health. And health to me means both body and mind. Then physical and the emotional/mental.

My new mantra is "Thank you, I am strong, fit, healthy, happy and confident!".
I have written on the shower wall and on the mirror my related goals.

A few things that I still need to do is:
Write in my journal and really focus on what I am going to feel like
Work out my exercise routine consisting of a bootcamp, swimming, walking and yoga.

Now, for the diet side...
I am normally a person that believes in moderation. I think you can eat anything as long as you only have it sometimes and generally eat well.

But BFF C (that's her and I and our toothy grins above) has developed a major interest in raw food and in keeping with my health goal and growing her skills she suggested we raw food it up for a month.

So I'm being a guinea pig and will be keeping a record of body measurements, pH balance, mood and the experience in general. I've not really decided whether I should publish bowel movements. Please feel free to comment with a yay or nay ;) I've decided to share the journey here (I think I've just realised that 'Journey' is my word for 2011) and give BFF C some feedback.

I've got some concerns about my ability not eat meat, bread, rice, pasta, coffee or alcohol (well, drink the last two). But I know the challenge will make me stronger and build my confidence. Plus the health benefits just seem so great.

I admit I'm being a bit passive here. She is doing all the research and the meal planning, but I've been googling away to discover people's experiences with it and it all is looking positive (including Steve Pavlina). But I trust her and I think you can do almost anything for 30 days. I'll let you know more as I go and I appreciate your support (can I hear you cheering us on?).

So if you'd like to join us, BFF C just told me she's going to start a blog too, check in and see how this journey unfolds... Who knows what will happen after 30 days, but I'm 100% sure I'll be better for it.

Make it as you wish SSSs!
Arienne xo

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