Saturday, December 17, 2011

Nothing Days

There are some days where you don't get anything 'important' done, yet they are such nourishingly necessary ones.

I'm sure you know them. The ones where you just indulge in whatever you fancy. Lie in bed all day? Yes! Read a book? Take a nap? Play a game? All of the above? Yes please!

Today was one of those days for me. I did some cross-stitch, had a sleep, played a game on my iPad, snacked on easy food, fiddled with my new phone, surfed the net and played with the dog.

At one stage I had a little bit of guilt creep up on me - that I should be doing something more productive with my day - but I let that come and then go. I've been working at the admin office, feeling inspired, getting things organised, catching up with friends, I needed to have some 'me' time to just do whatever I felt like. And it didn't need to have a result or an outcome.

Maybe tomorrow I will get back to moving forward with the other important things, but today was about a bit of self care for me.

When was the last time you carved out some time for yourself without an outcome required or guilt prodding you to do something?

Make it as you wish SSSs!
Arienne xo

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